How can I apply for a Vietnam e-visa if my passport has only year of birth?

How can I apply for a Vietnam e-visa if my passport has only year of birth?


My passport has only year of birth, but not full date of birth with day/month/year. How can I fill in the Vietnam visa application form?


Currently, the e-visa application form requires full date of birth. If your passport has only year of birth, you may complete the form with the month and date as January 1st of the year.

For example, if the date of birth in your passport is xxx/xxx/1951 you can replace it with 01/01/1951.
Typically, you may have difficulties when your e-visa application is being verified. If it takes too long to get the e-visa you may think of visa on arrival instead. Our rush visa on arrival service can help you get a visa approval letter for the “passport with only year of birth” within 4 working hours to 1 working day.

Many people in Asian countries including Afghanistan, India, China, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka… have a “passport with only year of birth”. If you have such a passport you should apply for Vietnam visa as soon as possible to avoid your visa is being pending when the trip is about to start.

Please contact us via email or whatsapp +84-912-685-141 for immediate assistance in case your passport only has the year of birth.